Impact & Evaluation

At ADEPT, we follow up on our results and impact to better assess the difference we make through our work. Such assessment helps us improve and expand our member-oriented services.

Monitoring & Evaluation

We have comprehensive, transparent monitoring, evaluation, and learning processes linked directly to operational and impact improvements. Those processes are designed to ensure constant quality control and feed our day-to-day decision-making and reporting to donors. 

To have an impartial point of view on its performance and receive advice on areas of progress, we commission external evaluators. Those evaluation results are used to update our strategy as well as our new funding cycles.


Impact Reporting

The impact of our members’ activities in Africa and in Europe is documented by impact missions. The outcome mapping of our activities is designed, from our inputs to the final beneficiaries. 

Those missions are an opportunity to have a better grasp of our members’ portfolio, to report on their field activities, and to introduce them to development agency representatives.


Sustainable Development Impact

ADEPT contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals through the support of our members’ activities.

To learn more about our members’ contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals, please visit our YouTube page.